We have collaborated with numerous business partners to plan and produce a wide range of products. Here are some examples of our collaborations.

- WAKU WAKU MAGIC SHOWPartner Companiey: Toys "R" Us-Japan, Ltd.
- At the request of Toys "R" Us-Japan, Ltd., we produced original magic sets for their store. Due to its popularity, it became a series and has been sold continuously for nearly 10 years.

Other OEM products


- In 1995, we were honored with a certificate of commendation from the Tokyo Association of Shinkin Bank and ShinKin Council Federation for our outstanding achievements through innovative ideas.

- In 1996, we were selected as one of the 100 companies featured in the book "Challenging Change: Strong Small Companies" published by Diamond Publishing Co., Ltd.

- In 2006, we received a letter of appreciation from the Tax Office for our proper tax reporting.